What is IP address spoofing?

Spoofed IP packets with forged source addresses are often used in attacks with a goal of avoiding detection.

What is IP spoofing?

IP spoofing creates Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a modified source address to either hide the sender’s identity, impersonate another computer system or both. Bad actors often use it to invoke DDoS attacks against a target device or the surrounding infrastructure.

The sending and receiving of IP packets is a primary way networked computers and other devices interact and constitutes the basis of the modern Internet. Entire IP packets consist of a header that precedes the packet’s body and contains essential routing information, including the source address. In a standard pack, the source IP address is the address of the sender of the group. If the packet spoofs, the source address will forget.

Spoofing definition

It is an impersonation of a user, device, or user on the Internet. It’s often used at the time of a cyberattack to farce the source of attack traffic.

The most common forms of spoofing are:-

What are other types of network spoofing?

There are different types of spoofing, many of which happen on IP-based networks.

Some spoofing types that deal with IP addresses include the following:-

Other spoofing mechanisms address different information types and may not affect IP addresses directly or at all. Some examples include the following:

Caller ID:- This spoofing changes a caller ID to make a phone call come from a different location. The commonly happens when telemarketers call targets using the target’s area code.

Email:– Attackers alter email header fields to indicate that the message originated from a different sender falsely. A spoofed email is often the portion of a phishing attack that links a duplex version of a website that arrives to be the prime. The spoofed website attempts to hoax target victims into handing over login credentials or other confidential information.

Global Positioning System(GPS):– GPS spoofing is when a mobile device user tricks the device into displaying a location different from its actual geographic location. It can be done using a third-party application that produces different position and navigation information.

Short Message Services(SMS):– A text message or SMS spoofing is when the sender’s contact number is changed to another person to obscure the actual contact number. Attackers may comprise links to phishing sites or malware downloads in their content. Legitimate organizations may also use this process to replace a difficult-to-remember phone number with an easy-to-remember alphanumeric ID.

URL:– In this type of spoofing, malicious actors use an exact URL that mimics a real one with some changed characters. The intention is to get the goal to go to a webpage that mimics the plausibility of a legal one and then have them enter susceptive information.

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